Ma 27.6
Voima 6.30 & 8.00:
A) 8x every 2 min
80-85% of max pullups + 2 negative pullups
80-85% of max pushups + 4 banded pushups
B) "Bodybuilding"
2-3 rounds of:
Bench press 8-10 reps
rest 60s
Barbell bicep curls 8-10 reps
rest 60s
KB shoulder press 8+8
rest 60s
Banded seated row 8-10 reps
Syke 16.30 & 17.45:
Tekniikka: KB rinnalleveto
A) 3 rounds of:
a) 2 min run
rest 30 s
b) 2 min AMRAP: 3 KB clean, 3 KB squat, 3 KB pushpress
rest 30 s
c) 2 min AMRAP: 60s bike + 60s box step ups
rest 30 s
Liikkuvuutta loppuun
Ti 28.6
Voima 16.30 & 17.45
A) 5x Every 3min:
5/5/4/4/3 Front squat, tempo: 31X1
B) EMOM 12:
1. 5+5 Bulgarian split squat
2. 20 m Sled drag (heavy)
3. 10x Barbell calf raises
Ke 29.6
Syke 16.30 & 17.45
"Murph prep 2" AMRAP 30 min:
Run 1600m (alternate 200 m rounds in pairs)
10 min AMRAP of: 3 pullup, 6 pushup, 9 squats (alt. full rounds)
Run 1600m (alternate 200 m rounds in pairs)
AMRAP to the end of: 3 pullup, 6 pushup, 9 squats (alt. full rounds)
To 30.6
Voima 16.30 & 17.45
A) 5x Every 3 min
5/5/4/4/3 Deficit deadlift (seiso 20kg levyn päällä)
B) Mobility & strenght:
2-3x rounds
8+8 KB Staggered stance DL
30s rest
8+8 ATG split squats
30s rest
10 Wide stance Good morning
Pe 1.7
Syke 6.30 & 8.00
36 min aerobic (in teams of 3):
6 min bike (one holds wall squat, one rests)
6 min run (one runs, one hangs, one rest)
6 min farmers carry (one carries, one holds plank, one rests)
La 2.7
Sijainti löytyy googlesta: Tähtiniemi. Tavinsulan viereinen ranta. Vaatteet tulevat kastumaan ja likaistumaan. Vettä, pyyhe & vaihtovaatteita mukaan.
3 Rounds of (27 min):
2 min run in the water or swim
1 min rest
2 min AMRAP: 4 Medball to shoulder + 4 Medball squat + 4 Medball lunges
1 min rest
2 min AMRAP: 1 burpee + 1 shuttle run in the sand + 2 burpee + 2 shuttle run etc..
1 min rest