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Writer's pictureHarjun Treenikontti

Kesätreenit 15/17

Maanantai 15.8.

Syke 6.30, 17.45 & 19.00

In teams of 3:


80 V-ups

60 KB Snatch

80m OH-Lunges

60 Burpees


- One is working, one resting, one running 150-200m

Tiistai 16.8.

Voima 16.30 & 17.45

A) 4x every 3 min

4x Sumo deadlift

B) 9x every 2min

  1. Eccentric nordic hamstring curls x 4-8

  2. Heavy Kb swing x 10-12

  3. Landmine twist x 12-14

Keskiviikko 17.8.

Syke 17.45 & 19.00

A) AMRAP 18:

9 Pull-ups

12 Shuttle run (5m)

15 Thruster KB/Barbell

18 Jumps over the kb or barbell

B) AMRAP score for time, TC 17

Torstai 18.8.

Voima 16.30 & 17.45

4x every 3 min

10m Heavy sled push

6x every 2 min

1. Bulgarian Split squat 6+6

2. Seated box jumps x 4

3. Weighted situps x 8-10

Perjantai 19.8.

Syke 6.30

EMOM 20:

  1. Farmer carry

  2. Strict burpee

  3. OH-carry

  4. Bike

  5. FR-carry

20 minutes:

Hill walk/jog with/weight vest

- 10 Air squats bw rounds

Lauantai 20.8

WOD 9.00 & 10.15

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