Voimaprogressiot jatkuvat. Tällä viikolla lisäksi erilaisia benchmark treenejä, kuten itsenäisyyspäivän WOD ja perjantaina "Ingrid".
MA 6.12. (WOD 9.30 & 11.00!)
4x Every 4min:
6 DL @RPE 7
6 Strict pull ups @RPE 7
6 Ring row @RPE 9
- Giant set
"SUOMI 104-v"
For time:
104 Box step-ups
OTM: 10 KB swing 32/24
-Wear a weighted west for an extra challenge
Time cap 14 min.
TI 7.12. (Painonnosto)
Oly: A) Primer:
2-3 Split power clean + jerk @RPE 5
B) 7x Every 2,5 min:
"Bella complex"
(1 Clean + 1 STOH + 1 FS + 1 STOH)
@RPE 5 -> 8
C) 5x Every 2 min:
2 Clean lift off + 2 Tempo clean pull
- Lift slowly off the ground, accelerate after passing the knee
TO 9.12. Skill: Kipping & BMU
Buy in: 40 Ring row
3 RFT:
20 Db/Kb C&J 24/16
10 Pistols Core:
"Durante's core" 5 rounds:
10 hollow rocks + 10 v-ups + 10 tuck ups + 10 sec hollow hold
rest 60s
-Scale reps as needed
PE 10.12. Oly: A) 6x every 2 min:
1 hang snatch + low hang snatch + full snatch
-Building up in weight (max RPE 8)
"Ingrid" 10 Rounds for Time:
3 Snatches (60/42,5 kg)
3 Bar Over Burpees
Time cap 12 min
LA 4.12. Strength:
3x every 3 min:
6 Pause BS @RPE 8
Partner metcon: AMRAP 10:
Row for max cal
Every 3 min: 40 wall balls
- I Go You Go
Rest 90 sec
Bike max cal
Every 3 min: 100 DU
- I Go You Go