Syyskausi alkaa keskiviikkona. Muista tarkistaa uudet aikataulut.
MA 9.8.
A) Banded deadlift 4x3
- Uusi sarja 3min välein
B) Box dips/dips/ring dips 3x5-7
- Uusi sarja 2min välein
3x 40 s on 20s off:
1. Lunges 2. Pushups 3. KB swing 4. Koordinaatiotikkaat 5. rest
TI 10.8.
For 40 min:
A) Run 600m
3 rounds of: 60 Jump rope ´+ 10 Burpee to target
rest 2min
B) Row 600/ Bike 1200m
3 rounds of: 10 Med ball clean + 10 Situps
Rest 2min
- Alternate between a and b for 40min
KE 11.8. Voima: 5-4-3-2-1 FS - Uusi sarja 4 minuutin välein Tukevat: Hanging leg raises + Cyclist squats + One leg hip thrust
TO 12.8.
Clean & Jerk
PE 13.8. Taito: t2b/ k2e
Build up to a 2RM Bench press.
12min AMRAP:
10 Box step ups w/db + 10 Ttb/ k2e/ v-ups + 200m Run
La 14.8. AMRAP 10 (IGYG): 10 Slam ball throw 25 Ball slam
100 run w/slam ball rest 5min For time: 50 Under and over the stick 50m Sled pull 50m Syncro lunge w/one slam ball 50m Sled push 50 Syncro squat w/one slam ball
Su 15.8.